153 research outputs found

    Genhør med dogme 95

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    Med udgangspunkt i antagelsen af, at de 10 danske dogmefilm kan forstås som genrefilm, analyserer artiklen, hvordan lyd og musik blev anvendt i disse film. Dogmeinstruktørernes Kyskhedsløfte specificerer, at lyd og billede aldrig må produceres adskilt fra hinanden, og artiklen inddrager såvel produktionsmæssige som æstetiske forhold i analysen. Den viser med eksempler fra de færdige film, hvordan den kunstneriske intention, der var nedfældet i regelsættet, blev håndteret i produktionen og, ikke mindst, hvilke resultater den fik i de færdige film. De enkelte dogmefilm var auditivt ganske forskellige, men blandt de auditive særtræk, flere af dem udviste, var lydspringet og ophævelsen af den traditionelle dikotomi mellem diegetisk og ikke-diegetisk musik.Assuming that the 10 Danish Dogma films can be considered genre films, the article analyses the use of sound and music in these films. The “Vow of Chastity” proposed by the Dogma directors specifies that sound and image must never be produced separately, and the article presents elements of productions practice as well as aesthetic considerations. Using examples from the finished films, it demonstrates how the artistic intention formulated in the set of rules was handled during production and how it influenced the finished films. The individual Dogma films were quite different from an auditory point of view, but among the auditory characteristics of the films were the auditory jump cut and the abolition of the traditional dichotomy between diegetic and non-diegetic music

    Kampen om Sherlock Holmes – forfatterret, moral og teater

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    I årene omkring 1900 blev forfatteres rettigheder til deres værker fastslået i den internationale Bernerkonvention ”til værn for litterære og kunstneriske værker”. Nationale lovgivninger fulgte op på konventionen, men flere aktører gjorde, hvad de kunne for at finde sprækkerne i loven. Artiklen undersøger de ophavsretmæssige tvistigheder omkring en række Sherlock Holmes-stykker på tyske og danske teatre i perioden 1902-1907. In the years around 1900, authors’ rights to their works were determined in the International Berne Convention “for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works”. National legislation followed up on the Convention, but several agents did what they could to find the gaps in the law. The article examines the copyright disputes surrounding a number of Sherlock Holmes plays in German and Danish theaters in the period 1902-1907


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    Inden for de seneste år er der skrevet ganske meget om byer og film (jf. litteraturlisten). Byfilmens kanon er ved at være på plads, og det ville være nemt at finde yndlingsfilm blandt disse kanoniske film. For ikke at fortsætte ad et spor, der allerede er lagt, skal jeg dog i denne lille opsats behandle to byfilm, som jeg aldrig selv har set omtalt i diskussioner af filmens byer. Det drejer sig om to efterhånden alderstegne film, Astrid Henning-Jensens Palle alene i verden (1949) og Albert Lamorisses Le ballon rouge (1956). Altså om to børnefilm, hvor byen spiller en central rolle. Men først kan det være på sin plads at ridse byfilmens kanon op. Den består i grove træk af tre typer film: tidlige dokumentarfilm, 20’ernes storbysymfonier og fiktionsfilm med byen som klangbund. &nbsp

    Enquête: Filmens store illusion

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    Enquête: Filmens store illusio

    Genre and ...

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    Genres are everywhere and we all know how to use them. However, they are also elusive and hard to describe. We act and interact through genre, understand through genre, and organize through genre, but we have a hard time defining individual genres, and an even harder time understanding what a genre is and what a genre does. Therefore, genre is a central concept in many areas of scholarship today and is interlinked with many other central scholarly concepts, but its core function is still a subject of debate, and its connections with other core concepts remain sorely under-examined. Genre and … explores these connections in a series of articles that each analyzes the relationship between genre and one other central scholarly concept: conversation, rhetoric, categorization, paratext, interpretation etc., with examples spanning from Sherlock Holmes and avantgardistic literature to car commercials. The authors of the present volume have a common starting point in Scandinavian Studies, but span a wide field of scholarly tradition. Thus, taken together the articles in Genre and … are representative of an expanding and intriguing professional genre network

    Haastateltavana: Christian Metz

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